Thursday, February 11, 2010

Wed. Feb 10 950

2/10/10 Denny dropped me off at the unit again on his way to work. I sprayed out farrowing room 6 and disinfected it. Treated all my baby pigs because I am going to be gone til Tuesday. Yesterday I wrote out Psalm 27 and James 1 and put them in a zip lock bag to give me something to think about while I work. It helps to keep my mind centered on what is important. When Denny dropped me off today he said 'Whatever you do, do it to the Lord". Good thing to think about. I walked home about 5:15 and Denny got home about 6. We headed to Awana skating party. Not nearly as much fun as last year. But there was a good turn out and I didn't fall down and get hurt. Pack before we went to bed.

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