Sunday, February 28, 2010

Sat Feb 27 1575

2/27/10 I went to the unit early. Denny went to work at the Odebolt bank at 8 and I headed to Carroll to go to WW. I shopped a little afterwards. I had good luck at a consignment shop. 50% off on some winter things. I got a Columbia coat, 2 pairs of slacks, 2 capris, about 4 tops and 2 workout sweats. When we got home we just lounged around and watched a library DVD that we had already seen. We took the pickup and Prius in to IG to wash them. (Our hose was under a snow bank.) While I was at the unit Denny started a fire in the coop. We ate supper out there. Then he relaxed by waxing the 2 vehicles. I relaxed by reading 485 in the coop by a roaring fire.

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