Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Thur Feb 11

2/11/10 We decided that Denny would come home and get me before we headed to the Omaha airport. I worked at the unit, then came home to finish packing and clean the house. Becky and the kids were headed to Kingsley for a long weekend. If things worked out, we could perhaps meet them at Missouri Valley... Mc Donalds. Well, Denny worked later than he had hoped. As we left Denny prayed for a timely trip to Texas. We got to wave at the Missouri Johnsons along I 29 between Missouri Valley exit and I 680 to airport. Hurray! We got to the airport on time. In fact, there was a plane to Houston loading while we waited for our flight. I said "Maybe we should try to get on that flight." Denny said "No, we'll just wait til our flight." Well, when we got on our plane, the earlier fight had still not left. It was sitting on the tarmac. Hurray! Off we went to Houston. We hurried down to our departure gate. NOT HURRAY :< Our flight to Brownsville had been cancelled. Now that was a new situation. We could stay in the airport or pay for a motel room. They booked the next available flight ... 24 hours later. Friday at 9:30 pm, but we could come to the airport early and try to get on standby. Denny called a motel and when he tryed to call them to get a shuttle to the motel, no one answered. In the meantime another couple from Sac City was in the same situation. A Ramada shuttle stopped in front of where we were. Long story... We 4 took it to the motel. It was not the airport Ramada ... It was north Houston Ramada. 20 minute ride thru dark streets. UFFTA We stayed there. Enough said for now.

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