Sunday, February 28, 2010

Sun Feb 28

2/28/10 Checked my moms at the unit. We went to SS and church. I was in the nursery during SS. 2 cute little girls in pink. It was really fun to watch them. I read them books, too. After church we took Stangls home. We had soup and salad in the chilly sun room. At least we did sit in the sun and it was bearable. When we were Texas Denny said he would rather sleep on the other side of the bed. So we switched sides of the bedroom this afternoon. Basically we moved dressers from one side to the other. And vacuumed under the furniture. Man, we're living on the edge. Have you ever heard of such excitement? We watched another DVD that we had previously seen. Denny went out to move snow with the tractor and I watched another DVD that we have seen. I guess getting them at the library is not the best idea. I already had checked out the best ones. Is this a kinda nice thing about getting old? Kinda like people with Alzheimer's ... They meet new friends everyday. We watch new DVDs everyday ... but they are faintly familiar. Pretty sad. Not the movies. They were good ones ... even a second time. Maybe it would help if IG was a bigger city with a bigger library. Just thankful for the good things that we got. Prayer time at church tonight at 6 pm. And a final DVD. YUP, you guessed it. We had seen it too. Have you figured out by now that a person could check out 5 DVDs from the library? ... for 3 days.

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