Saturday, May 1, 2010

Fri April 30

4/30/10 It was garage sale weekend in Parkersburg. We joined in the fun by going to about 10 Friday sales. Missy got a 2 screen dvd car player. She was pretty tickled about that. My big purchase was sleeping cushions and an octopus lamp for the basement. Mandy got everything her niece and nephew wanted ... not really ... but she did have fun getting a couple of things for them (fighting turtle he men and Cabbage Patch baby for Anabel). We headed back to Arthur in time for Teresa's surprise birthday party. I think about 80 - 90 people were there. Mandy and Denny were home so I didn't stick around very long. Kathy W. left a fern at church for my birthday. We grilled steaks, chicken and vegetables for supper using the new grill pan. It works great.

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