5/6/10 Reset trap with vegetables, not cat food. I worked at the unit then stopped at the folks, Linda came after I left. They had not heard anything yet. My sister, Nancy, came from spending the night with our brother, Craig, in Burr Oak. She got here about noon and we went to Sue G.'s for lunch before Bible study. Sue, Brenda, Naomi, Ginny, Laura, Teresa, Nancy, and me. At home we visited and started a fire in the pit. Linda called.
The battle is once again on. Anabel's CAT scan showed a 1 inch cancer tumor? in her liver and some bone areas. She will have 6 chemo treatments. 2 weeks of treatment, one week off, 2 weeks of treatment, one week off, 2 weeks of treatment. Then they will do another cat scan to see the progress. That ends up to be about the middle of July. For the treatment she will go to SC one day a week and have the drug IVed. It will take about an hour. She has been down this road before and it is not one she would have chosen. I stand in awe of the strength of this little lady who is not 5 feet talk, but to me is a giant in courage.
Keep them in your prayers.
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