Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Tues May 4 3879

5/4/10 I had a cup of coffee at the folks before heading to the unit. The Doctor has not called back about the results of her PET scan. STRANGE. I worked until 1:30. Then home to start to catch up on this blog. It really is hard to remember what has happened since April 23. About 3 pm Amelia and Elise M. came and helped me plant 1 row of peas, beans and 10 tomato plants. After taking them home I went to meet Denny. Six of us from IG rode to Wall Lake on the motorcycles. We ate at the Hayloft. Denny got the tractor mower running last night. Looks like his boys are ready to help him anytime. I always used to kid that both Luke and Denny are losing their pants playing with tractors and farming.

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