HAPPY BIRTHDAY, DENNY!!! 60 YEARS OLD! You love your wheels. I love you! Hopefully, the breakfast of bacon, eggs, toast, sausage, hash brown with cheese and onions, V8, coffee, and a model 1972 Pontiac GTO car made your day. Thanks for the lunch you brought to the unit for Tom, Mark, and me. Missy,Phillip, and kids came to pick up cots for Phillip's Memorial day canoe trip to the boundary waters. The folks brought 2 cakes, German chocolate and angel food. We had grilled asparagus,hot dogs, and chips for supper. A little wren kept us entertained by singing. Anabel also heard a cardinal. Evan ran to play on the " jumpoline" and 2 year old Anabel followed him as fast as she could. Of course, she wiped out on the way. Almost before she hit the ground you could hear her little voice saying, "I'm okay, I'm okay." and she was up and running again. Great night to sit on the deck and visit. Thanks for coming to visit, Jensens.
For over 50 years my mom, Bernice Newhouse, kept a journal, usually in spiral notebooks with the year written on the outside. Mom died in April 2008. In December 2008 my son, Luke, tried to get me into the 21st century with a blog site. This is kind of in remembrance of Mom and an update for my kids of my day to day life. Nothing exciting or noteworthy...I'm just thankful to God for all He has given me. What a great Lord we have.
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