Thursday, February 27, 2014

6 pm picture for finishing the 6 week triathalon

Another cold am.  Sad to say I look at the weather on my phone before I get out of bed.  Sometimes I check the Brownsville weather too.  Cold for them with a high of 65 today. Poor babies.  Pretty regular day at school. Read The Car.   After school T 25.  Then worked at school until time to take a picture for all the people who earned t shirts for finishing a triathlon in 6 weeks.  I think that is a good way to do a triathlon  take 6 weeks.  At home Denny was hooking up the TV in the yellow room.  He vacuumed and we cleaned a little before going to bed.  Brooks came down and wanted to earn some money.  I helped him clean the stairs.  I had honey and cinnamon before heading to bed.

E-1 M not happy  

Wednesday, February 26, 2014


Early up. Not sleeping the best.  There are lots of assignments for students in the next couple weeks.The resource room staff met after school and talked about the assignments.  Then met with Cathy after that.  I was at school until Awana.  It was store night.  Quite an amazing amount of stuff.  Oh, my, we got out forms for Awana games.  It is only a week from Saturday.  I have no idea if there will be enough for a team.  We sent home permission sheets.  Kinda planning to spend the night before the Games at church.  

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Happy Birthday to me!!

Took cold medicine about midnight and so I slept until 5:30.  That was good.  I frosted cinnamon sliced rolls and packed up food for lounge, It looked slippery and so I took gravel north.
Nice card from Linda, and gift wrapped bottle from Nicole and Sheri.  Falcon gift card and candle set from Melanie.  Flowers come from Denny.  Started to read the book Cars.  It has been read before.  Met Susan, Rose, Laura, Ginny and Rita at hospital for lunch. Did T25 after school, then headed home.   Missy  fixed a birthday meal for me. She said they were up late last night working on it.  It was wonderful.  Roast beef, potatoes, carrots, garden corn.  For dessert she had made white and chocolate bowls by drizzling chocolate over ice formed in bowls and had put Landors chocolates it them.  They were wonderful!  Thank you, Jesus.

E-1, M-1

Monday, February 24, 2014

Not feeling 100 %

Sat with Denny for a minute before leaving for school.  I was awake from too early, thinking about baking cinnamon rolls.  Tried to clean the kitchen, put away some groceries.  Slow moving day Pictures from 1987:

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Sun day Fun day

Kinda stayed in bed, but got ready for donuts with Grands. We ate them while watching Dad and Nelsons practice. Kids all got Olympic medals during the reading contest. So fun for them. At church Bob P. told me Jessie and Nate are headed their way. New job for Nate. We came home to leftovers from Friday night. They still tasted pretty good. Denny napped and I looked at a wedding dress ??? from 1923's ??? . Pretty cool. Wish I knew more about stuff like that. It was in the attic at the folk's when Gary and Denny were sorting stuff yesterday. It is still hard to go through things. But just has to be done. I want to get caught up in blog this afternoon and so I don't think a nap is in the workings. Awana quizzing practice at 4. Prayer time at 6. Olympics at 7.

Saturday Worked at folks in the afternoon, BB at night

Got up at 6.  Went to rec center with Missy. Ran 2 1/2. Walked 1 mile swam 1/2 mile.  Went home and I was still feeling sick.  So I went to bed until noon.  Denny had been at the folks all am.  I went over and Gary came about noon.  We kept right at work, just going through things and deciding what to do with them. We loaded 2 trailer loads of burn stuff, Gary took a load to Goodwill. We got all the stuff out of the attic above the garage. Lots of old carpet remnants, Yuck!! We were done about 4:30. Then a quick shower and Denny went to get Bailey to watch the kids as we headed to Carroll to eat Mexican, watch the HS boys play BB. (They lost) and shop at Walmart. Home by 11. Pictures form 1987, Dad's 75th big birthday party:

Saturday, February 22, 2014

This is a day I missed Friday February 20

No late start, in fact it was a beautiful day. Pretty regular day at school. Two sessions of T25 after school. Then a trip to the grocery store to get fruit for dessert for us when Jensens came for supper. They came down about 6. We played apples to apples. Pretty fun. I had salad and crock pot meal all ready to eat. Also had house special. After supper kids watched Olympics and had pop corn in our bedroom. We visited with Missy and Phillip. E-1, M not happy Pictures from 1987: Family camping at Lakeview.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Snow .. no school

Well, personally I would rather have had school until 1 and then went home, but no one asked me. I really did not do much in the am. In the afternoon I read the book Huck Finn in the sun room and took notes. It was an enjoyable day. At night we stayed put and watched the Olympics. Pictures from 1987:

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Awana tonight.

A day is long.    Iowa Assessments were not worked on.  Went to grocery store for math.  So nice to ride with Kim B.  She brightens up a day. A letter went out about school attendance. We'll see if any changes happen. UFFTA!! After school T25. Then went to Awana. 2 of my regulars weren't there, but another 2 came for the second time. And learned a lot of verses. Pictures from 1987

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

dance #7

It looks like it will be a great day.  Nice weather.  At school there is a big assignment for a class. Always wondering the best way to help students.  After school T25, then to rec center and I ran 3 miles.  At home I fell alseep watching the News,  We got up and  ate a bite.  It was hard for me to head back to IG for dance class.  We were the only ones there and worked on the waltz.  Francie asked if we were having a wedding and she said she would like to help with family dance.  At home I fell asleep watching the Olympics.

E-1, M not happy, Pictures from Gail and Bruce trip to see Grands.

Monday, February 17, 2014

Crazy weather 2 hour late start.

2 hour late start. Really enjoy them. Last night... out of nowhere... a storm with slippery roads came up. I took the gravel road north, it was thawing on 175.  I don't know how a short day can seem so long.  I had an IEP today.  Lord, grant me wisdom as I work with families.  I did 15 minutes of T25.  Then to treadmill at rec center for 30 minute jog.  At home Denny had been here all day.  He and Brooks were washing the  pickup when I got home.  Missy and Phillip had a meeting with PP tonight and  so the kids watched the Olympics with us until 8 and time to go to bed.  It's almost 10.  Why, oh, why do they have Davis and White from the US ice dance so late at night?  I'm usually asleep by 8 or 9.  AND they preformed earlier today.

Pictures from 1987:


Sunday, February 16, 2014

Fund raiser for Shaun

Took 2 grands for donuts. Missy adn Evan went to watch some of Evan's classmates wrestle in a meet in Odebolt that got cancelled earlier because of a broken water line. They were back in time for church. We headed to Holstein for a soup benefit for Shaun W. She was a para last year at the high school. We didn't know many people from Holstein, but sat with Marge and Chris C. I took a short nap when we got home. Denny and Missy went tout to fix a blow out. I went in to swim a mile and E&A went with me. Denny was napping when we got home, we did go to prayer time. Then chill and watch the Olympics. Nice day. Pictures of the bronze metal winner, Brooks. Anabel also won a bronze. Evan won a gold, and Brooks announced to the church that Evan wasn't there because he was watching a wrestling meet. :) Pictures of the podium, and 1987::