On my way to school this am I turned north on highway 59. It looked like we had less than an inch of snow. On my merry way north, cruise
control zoomed while going up a hill so I put on the brake to disengage the cruise control
.... and the car went out of control
... heading to the ditch on the opposite side of the road. It was slippery. I didn't realize sleet fell before the snow. Oh man. .
.I thought I was going into the west ditch...
then back to the right side of the road...
no I was headed to the ditch on the right side of the road. Braking did not make any difference on the speed of my car. So thankful... Thank you Jesus, that there was a very shallow ditch and the car did head into it, but I had slowed down enough and I could drive out of the ditch...
no dents... 2 big semi's were following me... They slowed down as I was in the ditch I gave them the OK sign and they waved and off they went. So thankful that no cars were coming. There is no way I could have avoided oncoming traffic. Life can change in an instant. I definitely thought I was
ditch bound. I took the next gravel 280th street to the high school. No more paved roads for me this
am. I arrived at school pretty shaken up. But the day got better.
LOTS BETTER because we had a contest. Last month there was a chili contest, that was good, but today we had A Friday cheese cake contest. There were 11 cheese cakes brought in. We had to try them all and choose the best. Rough life. One of my classes fixed pork chops in the microwave and salad and peas during 3rd hour. I helped finish 2 students Iowa Assessments during their study halls. After
school we did 2 sessions of T25. I went home for a quick shower. Then to the Battle Creek Valentines Dinner at the Country club. It was a fun night. We sat by Susan and Gordon. Nice to be a part of the festivities.
Pictures from the end of the cheese cake contest. The food loosts very mangled, but it was good. You might way we didn't have good serving techniques with everyone just helping themselves. YUM!!
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