Thursday, February 27, 2014

6 pm picture for finishing the 6 week triathalon

Another cold am.  Sad to say I look at the weather on my phone before I get out of bed.  Sometimes I check the Brownsville weather too.  Cold for them with a high of 65 today. Poor babies.  Pretty regular day at school. Read The Car.   After school T 25.  Then worked at school until time to take a picture for all the people who earned t shirts for finishing a triathlon in 6 weeks.  I think that is a good way to do a triathlon  take 6 weeks.  At home Denny was hooking up the TV in the yellow room.  He vacuumed and we cleaned a little before going to bed.  Brooks came down and wanted to earn some money.  I helped him clean the stairs.  I had honey and cinnamon before heading to bed.

E-1 M not happy  

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