Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Full day

Nice to read in bed before getting up.  Denny showed me an article last night that says reading in bed before going to sleep is not good.  Neither is watching TV, being on the computer, eating a lot, and many of the things I do.  Full day.  Regular classes. Discussion about the need for more practice than just a quick reading and answer 6 questions.  Uffta Lord, help me.
After school T25 then to rec center to run 3.5 miles then to Andersons to visit, Next to motorcycle meeting, Ate with Denny at Mexican, to Home school meeting at 7, at 8 to Dance class number 6 with Francie, We had 4 couples there. Us ,Lynn and Toshi, Crystal and Tim, Kristy and hubby. Wall lake couple... the guy broke his leg At home I fell asleep watching the Olympics.
 E-1.  M-ISS Pictures from facebook:

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