Saturday, February 8, 2014

Can't believe I had such a great day and didn't take a picture

I really like to read my devotions while I lie in bed in the morning.  Thanks Denny for loving me even if I put the light by the bed on.  I headed to IG rec center, ran on the treadmill for 45 minutes and was home by 7:40.  We picked up Steph and headed to Carroll.  It was a great day thrifting... Lots of nice clothes for a soon to be a mamma.   We met Christy at Hunan's for lunch.  Can't believe I didn't take a picture.  At home Denny and Phillip ground feed at the folks.  The kids sledded over there while the guys were working.  In the afternoon Phillip and Omar put plastic on the greenhouse.   I am sure wondering how it will work and turn out.  We got home about 4.  Missy and Phillip headed to Ft. Dodge to meet friends from Parkerburg.  They are getting a pickup truck.  I got ingredients to make 14 freezer meals.  We had one of the meals for supper.  Then we watched the Olympics. Denny took Amelia home, she was watching the Grands.  Wow, 9:45 time to go to bed. Pictures from 1987: Trip to Brownsville

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