Sunday, February 2, 2014

Great bright day!! Super time at Susan's

Donuts with Grands    They reminded me to sing on the way to church.  We started with Zippidee du da.  And ended with Oh, What a Beautiful Morning as we got to Sparkies in Arthur.  Home after church for a quick lunch.  Denny took a nap and I ordered some flower seeds.  I headed in to the rec center and swam a mile and 8 laps.  It felt wonderful.  I stopped at the church, but Kara wasn't there working on quizing.  I went home and got stuff ready to take to Susan's. I can't believe I did not take any pictures of the super Bowl party at their place. It was so nice. Bergmans, Reed, and Reese were there. Pictures from 1986....Guess what family we got pictures from at Christmas?

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