Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Happy Birthday to me!!

Took cold medicine about midnight and so I slept until 5:30.  That was good.  I frosted cinnamon sliced rolls and packed up food for lounge, It looked slippery and so I took gravel north.
Nice card from Linda, and gift wrapped bottle from Nicole and Sheri.  Falcon gift card and candle set from Melanie.  Flowers come from Denny.  Started to read the book Cars.  It has been read before.  Met Susan, Rose, Laura, Ginny and Rita at hospital for lunch. Did T25 after school, then headed home.   Missy  fixed a birthday meal for me. She said they were up late last night working on it.  It was wonderful.  Roast beef, potatoes, carrots, garden corn.  For dessert she had made white and chocolate bowls by drizzling chocolate over ice formed in bowls and had put Landors chocolates it them.  They were wonderful!  Thank you, Jesus.

E-1, M-1

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