Tuesday, June 30, 2015

A beautiful morning

Beautiful morning on the deck. Let's see what a day brings. No real plans for today. I helped with the harvest. It is fun to ride in the back of the pickup. Great to feel the wind through your hair. It reminds me of the many hours I spent riding in the back of the hay wagon. It just seemed like we should have a balancing contest. I love my small clippers. They worked great on cutting the tops off of carrots. WE got 100 pounds of carrots from 2 rows, they are beautiful. I picked some ed. peas that were still on the plants. The sugar pod peas were too far gone, but the snow peas were huge, ugly, but still tasted great. I went with Missy to deliver CSA. As we left Storm Lake site, I noticed she had a flat tire. Boy that is living on the edge for us. We filled up the tire at nearly every gas station we drove by. Denny checked out ace Hardware and chose a Weber grill that could replace our rusted out grill. Good thing we were driving the beast. While Missy got groceries, Brooks and I thrifted. I got 5 vases and a swimming suit for him. Megan and family and Jean are going to stay with us over the fourth. Hurrah!! While unpacking groceries the bottom fell out of a 6 pack at Jensens :( 3 bottles splintered. We unloaded beast of empty boxes at CSA barn and visited. Before heading to bed, we made reservations to fly to Brownsville Aug 5- August 14. YEA!!!

Monday, June 29, 2015

Home and lawn/flowers

Devotions in sunroom. Got flowers ready for CSA. Picked and rubber banded cilantro and dill weed. Mowed the lawn. Rototilled edging around flower gardens. After work Denny went to Sac County cattle men's steak fry. Abe's mom came to take him home. Picture of Hendersons on Friday. Mainly this summer I have been in the dirt and trying to get the dirt out from under my fingernails. The only way I see to be able to kinda get the dirt out is by taking a hot soaking bath. Then I do what I remember my dad doing. He would take a sharp knife and scrape his fingernails. Mainly I remember his doing it someplace before we were going to church or someplace. Dad, I miss you so much. Last week pastor's dad died. It made me cry just thinking about how hard it was when my dad dies. I remember trying to pass it off by saying," It's a part of life." Kathy kindly said ... "But is is a very hard part of life." Yes, it is a hard part of life. I mis my parents and inlaws so much. A very hard part of life.


Sunday, June 28, 2015

Kane's birthday today. We had cake yesterday !! Today donuts on the deck

Happy Birthday Kane!!! Four years old!! Missy baked a cake yesterday and we had a party after the parade. I slept in until 7:20 Unheard of for me. Got out fruit, hard boiled eggs and cereal. Then fixed donuts for crew to eat out on the deck before Sunday school. Sunday school sang Happy Birthday to Kane. Haley helped me pick flowers for church. Naps in afternoon. Mike and Brenda called about 5 and we went on a motorccle ride. So much fun. The last picture is one of my favorite places in the world. Riding motorcycle with Denny ... following Mike and Brenda. Wonderful!!!!

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Heritage day parade

Devotions at 5. in sunroom. with windows open. beautiful morning. Now it is 9 pm and I am back in the sunroon only watching Disney DVD with 9 kids Johnson,Jensen, Solorzano. Adults are working on putting up the high tunnel and at a 20 year class reunion. Full day. While Matt and Missy ran, Torren and I walked to the Jensens. Then we walked back on the road ... Following Missy and Matt. All the kids (8) played here and we had PB sandwiches out on the deck before going to the parade. Denny took Jensens and Solos. to get ready over at Jensens. We were at the parade until 2:30. Then birthday cake for Kane, who is 4 tomorrow. I took a nap until 5. The kids came home with me and played. We fixed hot dogs for supper, then baths for (9), and now we (9) are watching a movie. Parents came to bring home about 9:30, (except the class reunion paretns). Lord, help the construction of the high tunnel. May it be used for your glory.

Friday, June 26, 2015

Marian's birthday

Devotions at 5. in sunroom. with windows open. beautiful morning. I went out and picked 2 bouquets, flowers for Marian and sunflowers for Gail. Big task completed. I picked up my cornier of our bedroom before 9:30 when I left for Atlantic. Hendersons were fixing a picnic lunch, which we took to the ball diamond playground. On the way home we stopped and I wished Marion a happy birthday. Matt came thru Atlantic with sleeping children and so he didn't stop. I left at the same time. Drove right past some garage sales so you know I was happy to have Missouri Johnsons headed to the farm. Becky and Haley were in Kingsley last night and they got to the farm soon after Matt did. They had been with Frank in South Dakota riding horses. We went to the IG, but rain kept us from jumping houses in the park. We went to Olde Town until the rain stopped. At home we fixed lots of Kale chips. and grilled brats and edible pod peas for supper. Bergmans came to drop off T shirts for passing out water while we were out on the deck. So nice to have them visit. Very nice day. Jensen's anniversary, they spent last night in Storm Lake using a guest water park coupon with their kids.

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Doesn't get much nicer. Movie night on the deck at 9:30

Devotions at 5. In sunroom. With windows open. Beautiful morning. I spent most of am going through the refrigerator and processing vegetables, also washed clothes, and made a succulent garden in the stainless steel pasteurizer. I did drive to Arthur, but didn't see anything I could not live without at the church that they are cleaning out. At Jensen's I started the oven, set the table and started to pick the ends off the edible pod peas. Then we went to CSA barn and they filled the boxes. I took Keelie into town. She got distemper shots, plus medicine to worm her. Bible study was a Ginny's, I bought a basket at Doses. Denny went into town after work and got a air compresser. We grilled steaks and veggies, plus salad for supper. So good. Denny got the chainsaw running and topped the truck of the tree that fell over. I tried to burn the wood, but no luck. We sat on the deck after weeding and scraping weeds off the cement pad and watched Heartland. Beautiful night. Jensens went to King's Pointe after CSA pickup.

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Nothing planned for today... Get some cleome??

Devotions at 5. in sunroom. with windows open. beautiful morning. Jensens loaded out 57 red wattle at 5 amYesterday Missy and Mandy ran with Keelie. It was a nice rain this am. I sat in my sunroom with my lovely pink china and enjoyed the rain and the day. I picked flowers for CSA. Lilies with 2 buds and greenery for half shares, Lilies with stems, Heliopsis, and zinnias for full share. There is starting to be beautiful sunflowers in the garden. Beth cut her finger harvesting kohlrabi. She got stitches when she got home. I went to Thistledown and Joyces and Prairie Pedlar. Purchased cleome and pulled up MJ in the garden. The rain made it really easy to pull up weeds in the cilantro row. 4 big wheel barrels full of weeds. Denny tried to get an air compressor running, but no luck.

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Laurie's jewelry party

Up and walked while Mandy and Missy ran 3 miles. Getting ready for party. Made cream puff dessert. Laurie and Anabel cleaned out the coop, even to the extent of washing windows.  Jewelry was arranged in the coop and on a table outside.  CSA member had a memo in their weekly info and most brought their $ and bought some jewelry to support the Napale disaster jewelry sale.  At 6:30 about 30 came to the coop.    Laurie spoke at 7.  We sat in the yard under the big Maple tree as she spoke.  Lisa and 2, Kathi and 3, Carrie and 2, Ranae and Stella, Laura and Bethany, Stephanie P. Susan G. Carol G and Shiela Z, Ann Holst, Sandy and Leah, Abe, Jacob, Jensens, Denny and myself.  Laurie was pretty happy with the largest party that she has had.  She had hoped to sell 1K this summer and she did here on the farm. 

Monday, June 22, 2015

Evan's last game and Aunt Mandy is coming

It was gray and threatened of rain this am, but not much came down. A tree that we had pruned broke off during the night. Lord, I am so thankful that when you prune our lives you know how to do it well.  I got flowers ready for Tuesday CSA pickup.


Sunday, June 21, 2015

Happy Father's Day!!!

Another beautiful morning. Joiy and Jacob spent the last 2 nights here. They were leaving to head to church in Storm Lake and then back to Lincoln. Coffee and sugar donuts on the deck. Took the Grands to church and they sat with us. I took flowers for the front of church. We grilled fish and pod peas, mushrooms, and onions for lunch. Took a nap and all four kids called to visit. All afternoon we were outside by garden. Denny fixed the floor in the garden shed and took out the long steel rods that ran thru both rooms of the garden shed. What an awesome husband/ dad.

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Jean and Arlan visit Odebolt creek Days

Great to have Jean and Arlan here. We ate breakfast out on the deck. Jean and I had trimmed the ends of edible pod peas and I sent some with them. Denny and I took the motorcycle on the first ride of the year. We went to Creek days and helped hand out water bottles. Then to IG for gas. At home we ate leftovers for supper and watched the fire burn. I cleaned the garden shed out of 5 big bags of corncobs and burned them. We watched Netflix out by the firepit. Nice lazy day.

Friday, June 19, 2015

Mary Poppins vist with Mandy

Beautiful morning on the deck. Mandy is getting off work and will call. She had a hair cut at 3. I planned to meet her in town, but then decided to meet her in Holstein. Missy had her kids at the swimming pool. Aunt Mandy is always so much fun to be with. We played at the school playground. I took 3 Grands to Mary Poppins. We sat in the second row. It was very good and lots of fun. Jensens had discussion group in the coop. When I got home Jean and Arlan were out on the deck with Denny. We visited until after midnight. Pretty late for us, but so nice to have them here.

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Bible study at Ginny's

Pretty morning on the deck. After Denny went to work early I went to work in the flowers. All of the shares are ready to go in the refrigerators. I finished planting the surprise lilies near the CSA sign. I painted the new doors that Denny put on and repaired for the CSA barn. They will need a couple more coats of paint. A quick bath and then I ate lunch while the crew put up stakes for the tomatoes. Maddie is such a cutie and just stays in that car seat and is happy, and falls asleep with out a whimper. On the way in to BS I realized I needed to pick up Laura, so I did. We got there a tad late, but it was okay. After study I went to the vet and got Keelie signed up for shots next Thursday. Then to first state to check out some cash. At home I mowed until news time. Denny came home and we grilled chicken and asparagus. We had roasted broccoli, turnips and jalapenos. We ate out on the deck with the tiki candle and tablecloth that Gail made for mom. Denny went out to weed and I finished mowing the lawn. Looking forward to Jean and Arlan coming late tomorrow night. :)

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Haircut with Brooks

Another beautiful morning on the deck. Got CSA flowers ready. Watched turnips and salad being washed. Left for Wall Lake about 9. Brooks was so good while I got my hair done. She had the Disney Channel on and he was mesmerized. It was noon before we got home. I took a nap and spent useless time on facebook. At 5 I went in with Jensens to Evan's game in IG. That ball complex is wonderful!!! Wow!. So pretty and useful. At home Denny was working on repair of CSA doors. He is amazing!! He kept grinding and pounding and got the sliding door on the west side track running. I roto tilled the flower area. It looks so nice when it gets done. Pictures of doors being repaired and constructed and flowers for this week CSA.

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Delivered CSA to Homes, Lyton, Storm Lake, Labels on water bottles

I really should do the info for each day at the end of the day. This is my third catch up post and I really am not sure what I did on Tuesday. I know I helped with CSA. We picked edible pod peas and packed the boxes in the am. At 3 Missy and I headed to deliver CSA to homes, Lyton and Storm Lake. The Walmart there had organic Preen and so we stopped there so I could buy some. When I got home Denny had already taken kids and Abe to label sticking night at Mike's. I think it is amazing how so many people come and get so much done. It is great how all ages work together. Then the hot dog roast afterward. Just a good time.

Monday, June 15, 2015

Visit in IG

Beautiful morning. Out on the deck it had rained and everything was fresh and pretty. I walked to CSA shed and got flower shares in groups for delivering. Denny and I were sitting having breakfast when Phillip drove up. He had taken 3 pigs to Holstein. Denny heard a clunk as the pickup stopped. After Denny left I got some greenery for 40 shares of flowers. Then helped wash salad turnips and radishes. I called at noon and made an appointment in IG for 3:30. Lord, may I be right in the center of your will. It sounds like something I would like to do. There are many things that are against me. Lord, you know my life. I am satisfied with you. At home, I am working on putting pictures on the blog. AT night Denny worked on the CSA doors.  The whole month of May has been without pictures. I think I will post other pictures from 2005--- 10 years earlier. These pictures of Clay kids at Kim's

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Shopping in Denison

Up early and so donut time came and we were ready to get Grands. the came running down the lane. Anabel first, Evan and you can see Brooks in the back. It was Anabel's turn to sit with us. After church was a quarterly business meeting and then we went to Denison to get supplies. A chainsaw, case, extra blade, gas tank, 4 tiki candle holders, In the afternoon we napped, Then Denny worked on the doors for the CSA shed. I took Cooks share to them along highway 20. Boy is that road busy. When I got home I mowed and Denny cleaned the house. It is so great to have it clean. He does a great job. Note from Elizabeth: Our church worship team led us in a memorable evening of singing and beautiful music tonight. From the moment I walked in the sanctuary, tears were in my eyes: -A certain red-shirted boy was dancing up toward the band, unable to hide any of his precious joy. -A little babe wiggling her shoulders to the music on her momma's lap. -Sweet children everywhere, closely watching the faces of those singing, and joining in their own childlike ways. -Older adults with hands upturned gently. -Hurting ones with eyes closed during tender lyrics. -Certain words from certain songs scrawled in the dark into my journal. -The entire room, the most beautiful masterpiece. What a blessed time. ("Stronger"- Hillsong and "Holy Spirit"- Francesca Battistelli are the 2 songs from this evening that have been most memorable in recent days. I'll keep singing them in my head, even above the NBA Finals theme playing on repeat in my house this week!) Smiling still tonight. So grateful for our precious church and our very present God. (Thank you, Stuart, Leah, Brad-Sarah, Sandy, Rita, Stephen, Barry, and everyone else involved!)

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Steaks with Goldsmiths

Denny worked in Odebolt this am. Then he stopped to get lumber for repair of CSA barn doors. I spent the am reading and writing a synopsis of short stories for an English class I will be teaching this fall. About 4 we stopped to get cleaned up for steaks at the country Club. Luke was golfing with Pete, Mark and Mark F. from Holstein. We waited and visited. The meal was super. We drove by the Focus, but it has bucket in the back, not conducive for 3 grands going for donuts on Sunday mornings. We went to Goldsmith's and visited some more. It was a beautiful evening. and did I say the meal was great!!! I was really hungry for steak. Pictures of repair in progress... doors

Friday, June 12, 2015

Met along 71 to take Grands back to Mo.

Slow morning for me. I fixed kids sausage and biscuits. They pretty much packed their clean clothes and got stuff ready to put in the car. We ate lunch with Denny at the Arthur park and then headed to Atlantic. I tlked to Becky there and we met mile marker 31 on highway 71 right north of intersection with Highway 34. I found a army quilt like Craig brought home from Vietnam at Salvation Army in Atlantic. At home Denny fixed asparagus with olive oil and italian seasoning and chicken breasts grilled with the temp probe in them. They turned out perfect. Such a great meal. We called Luke and Karen to tell them. They are on their way to IG. Pictures of Boys looking at Gpa's phone and the garden that Haley and Anabel planted in greenhouse.

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Swimming in IG

It rained last night. The morning seems slow and cool. Missy captures a picture of my morning ritual. I walk through the garden in my robe most mornings. With is sprinkling this am, I took the umbrella. It was glorious. :) With the rain falling, It should be easy to find time to finish watching Paddington. I put flowers together for CSA. 2 greenery, 4 daisies, 1 yellow branch, and wisteria. Kids ate cereal and watched DVD's. We would watch for 30 minutes, then clean for 15, Then watch for 30 and take 15 min to make sandwiches for lunch. Then watch for 30 minutes and get swimming suits ready for 15 minutes. We left for Arthur about 11:30. Denny was already at the park. After lunch we went to Dose's garage sale. The kids all had one dollar to spend. So they got many treasures. Haley wondered if there were two stores. (and if it was Mexican). Beth Stangl watched the Grands at the Rec center swimming. I took Laura to Bible study. We stayed in town until after IG pickup. Missy was busy making meals ahead (or something). Yesterday before supper Missy told us that there were strawberries at Cherry Creek. But it was very weedy. The kids were real troopers. We picked 3 ice cream buckets full. I told them for every 5 they picked they could eat one. We kept the kids and fed them and got them ready for bed. Phillip and Missy came to eat after it got dark. Finally quitting time. Pictures of morning walk, strawberries, and Arthur park: