Friday, June 26, 2015

Marian's birthday

Devotions at 5. in sunroom. with windows open. beautiful morning. I went out and picked 2 bouquets, flowers for Marian and sunflowers for Gail. Big task completed. I picked up my cornier of our bedroom before 9:30 when I left for Atlantic. Hendersons were fixing a picnic lunch, which we took to the ball diamond playground. On the way home we stopped and I wished Marion a happy birthday. Matt came thru Atlantic with sleeping children and so he didn't stop. I left at the same time. Drove right past some garage sales so you know I was happy to have Missouri Johnsons headed to the farm. Becky and Haley were in Kingsley last night and they got to the farm soon after Matt did. They had been with Frank in South Dakota riding horses. We went to the IG, but rain kept us from jumping houses in the park. We went to Olde Town until the rain stopped. At home we fixed lots of Kale chips. and grilled brats and edible pod peas for supper. Bergmans came to drop off T shirts for passing out water while we were out on the deck. So nice to have them visit. Very nice day. Jensen's anniversary, they spent last night in Storm Lake using a guest water park coupon with their kids.

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