Thursday, June 18, 2015

Bible study at Ginny's

Pretty morning on the deck. After Denny went to work early I went to work in the flowers. All of the shares are ready to go in the refrigerators. I finished planting the surprise lilies near the CSA sign. I painted the new doors that Denny put on and repaired for the CSA barn. They will need a couple more coats of paint. A quick bath and then I ate lunch while the crew put up stakes for the tomatoes. Maddie is such a cutie and just stays in that car seat and is happy, and falls asleep with out a whimper. On the way in to BS I realized I needed to pick up Laura, so I did. We got there a tad late, but it was okay. After study I went to the vet and got Keelie signed up for shots next Thursday. Then to first state to check out some cash. At home I mowed until news time. Denny came home and we grilled chicken and asparagus. We had roasted broccoli, turnips and jalapenos. We ate out on the deck with the tiki candle and tablecloth that Gail made for mom. Denny went out to weed and I finished mowing the lawn. Looking forward to Jean and Arlan coming late tomorrow night. :)

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