Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Trail at 6 pm with my girls. :)

Don't really remember about the day. I think I got everything planted in flower beds and took a long bath to get dirt from my fingernails. Missy came about 5 and we went into IG. Brooks was sleeping and so Evan read in the car while we did some quick errands in Dollar Gen, FoodPride, and Shopko. Brooks woke up on the wrong side of the van seat. We met Cooks at Moorehead. I watched an unhappy guy and the girls ran the trail, E&A biked and Jason ran the trails through the trees at the park. Denny got a check at the bank today and so Missy came over to give God thanks. Phillip stopped over after his deacon meeting. Thank you, Jesus, the hog unit sold. Today is Gail's birthday.

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