Thursday, June 25, 2015

Doesn't get much nicer. Movie night on the deck at 9:30

Devotions at 5. In sunroom. With windows open. Beautiful morning. I spent most of am going through the refrigerator and processing vegetables, also washed clothes, and made a succulent garden in the stainless steel pasteurizer. I did drive to Arthur, but didn't see anything I could not live without at the church that they are cleaning out. At Jensen's I started the oven, set the table and started to pick the ends off the edible pod peas. Then we went to CSA barn and they filled the boxes. I took Keelie into town. She got distemper shots, plus medicine to worm her. Bible study was a Ginny's, I bought a basket at Doses. Denny went into town after work and got a air compresser. We grilled steaks and veggies, plus salad for supper. So good. Denny got the chainsaw running and topped the truck of the tree that fell over. I tried to burn the wood, but no luck. We sat on the deck after weeding and scraping weeds off the cement pad and watched Heartland. Beautiful night. Jensens went to King's Pointe after CSA pickup.

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