Saturday, June 27, 2015

Heritage day parade

Devotions at 5. in sunroom. with windows open. beautiful morning. Now it is 9 pm and I am back in the sunroon only watching Disney DVD with 9 kids Johnson,Jensen, Solorzano. Adults are working on putting up the high tunnel and at a 20 year class reunion. Full day. While Matt and Missy ran, Torren and I walked to the Jensens. Then we walked back on the road ... Following Missy and Matt. All the kids (8) played here and we had PB sandwiches out on the deck before going to the parade. Denny took Jensens and Solos. to get ready over at Jensens. We were at the parade until 2:30. Then birthday cake for Kane, who is 4 tomorrow. I took a nap until 5. The kids came home with me and played. We fixed hot dogs for supper, then baths for (9), and now we (9) are watching a movie. Parents came to bring home about 9:30, (except the class reunion paretns). Lord, help the construction of the high tunnel. May it be used for your glory.

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