Monday, June 1, 2015

Tackling next big weedy area Goal for today

Nice quiet in am. Denny did major cleaning last night. Then at the end, I opened the front door to shake a rug and 1000s of flies swarmed in. YUCK. He sprayed and we went outside. Now I need to vacuum the dead ones up this am. Deb is gone this week, she usually opens the bank, so Denny will be going to work earlier. I am walking with Kim this am at 7. It was a nice walk and talk. I mowed the flower bed south of the house. Of course later this afternoon Denny told me to check all parts of the lawnmower before using it. I did check oil and gas ... but didn't notice that one tire was low. Uffta!!! Life for me. After mowing the weeds and grass down, I rototilled and planted sprouting wildflowers cubes into the area. It feels great to have that area not grassy and weedy, just hope the flowers make it. I went over and ate lunch at Jensens. Laurie was there. She and Evan had a great birthday weekend get together. I helped Missy clean up the kitchen and then back to the weed patch. I was tired at 2:30 and took a nap in the coop. Great that I did not have to take off my dirty clothes to lie down. The Roto tiller works great... now that I filled the tire with air. Grands came over while M&P were planting Boch Choy. They were having a dress up pretend dance. We are making plans for Mo. Grands to come June 8- 12. :) When Denny came home we had a shake in the sunroom, then he went to mow and I went to rototill. Today was the day for finalizing unit, but no contact. Denny made a phone call after work. Thank you, Jesus, for leading and guiding us each step of the way. Our lives are in your hands. Pictures of dress up kids, Evan and Jacob helping Phillip plant.

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