Sunday, May 31, 2015

Headed to Paulsruds after church

Quiet time in am.  2 kids pretty tired after the wedding, so they are sleeping in.  Evan is spending the weekend in Ames for his birthday time with grandparents.  No donuts.  Rory and Kathy's family came to church.  Good to see them.  Denny helped bring flowers from the wedding and so I gave them out after church.  A lot of dropped petals,  I tried to pick them up from the church carpet.  After church we went to Paulsruds for leftovers.  Such very good food and fellowship with friends.  We came home and I took an hour nap and woke up very groggy... Denny had started cleaning and washing his clothes for next week.   When most of the cleaning was done, I took the rug out to shake by the front door.  A thousand flies came inside.  UFFTA!!  We sprayed fly killer, went outside by the fire pit.  When they die, it will be a mess.  Dead flies all over and just when Denny had gotten done vacuuming.  Life for me.

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