Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Last day of kids in classroom ... 2 semester tests ... 2 PD left

Slept 6 hours last night, pretty good. The morning seems cool. Birds are chirping. Amazing that this is the last day of my fifth year of teaching SPED. Tomorrow and Friday there are semester tests. Tuesday and Wed. PD and work day. I ordered pizza for staff for tomorrow. Students had speeches, media projects, brochures, and one student finished finals early, to free up Thurs and Friday. I went to Dollar General during planning. After school I went for haircut. I almost ran into Phillip at the top of a gravel hill, coming west while he was going east. Thank you Jesus for watching over us. Naps during news. Omar brought rototiller back. We went to Wednesday night on personal evangelism. Good day. Great horse saying and pictures

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