Friday, May 22, 2015

Happy Birthday Denny!!!

Denny was up early fixing sausage and eggs for breakfast. Matt called to wish him a Happy Birthday. I brought out his gift to open at breakfast. He loved the thermometer that connects to his phone. He left early for bank meetings. I only read one semester test this afternoon. We cleaned out many of school publicatons that were printed before 1987. We used Lynzie's birthday as a cutoff date. I bought pizza for staff at noon. And I stopped to get steak for supper and yellow and blue napkins for the shower for Travis and Megan. After school I came home and started planting cleome along a garden row. Denny came home a little early he started the rototiller and then went to mowing the lawn. I planted dahlias and rototilled around flower beds. Omar and Stephanie were helping Phillip plant into the black plastic. Then she helped me pull weeds. Missy came back from Gymnastic practice and pictures. She brought cake and icecream. What a great birthday party!! After they left I wrapped a shower gift for Ashley. Bed time was after 11 pm. Uffta!!

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