Saturday, May 9, 2015

Roller derby

Up and read in Nancy's' living room. Marilynn, Jean, Nancy and I laughed a lot at breakfast. We made t shirt scarves. Fun to try to figure out how to spend our day. Jean and I went to Trader Joe's. We set out stuff for lunch in the front yard. We left for Betsy's about 10:30. It was fun to see her new home. Marilyn had gone to do some errands before meeting us at Betsy and Wade's home. A neighbor had brought them mushrooms. We stopped at a couple stores before heading back to Nancy's. Lunch in the front yard. Hendersons 4, Coburns 3, JNF Naps in the afternoon. Then after sleeping too long ... we were dead to the world, we got ready for Justine to come and give us a ride to Milwaukee. ROLLER DERBY. Nancy is Storming the Castle... or Storm. Pretty fun. They lost, even tho we had a great cheering squad. Back to Madison about midnight. UFFTA fun, but tired.

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