Friday, May 1, 2015

off to Burlington

Awake too early ... Hope to go back to sleep. Nope, got up and folded laundry and put away dishes and washed rugs and another 2 loads and packed and checked plants outdoors and picked asparagus and then went to school. During planning went to Dose and got 2 chains to hold up our curtain in the bedroom which no longer stays up by itself. Seniors were out on their service day. It rained and so the workday was probably cut short. They fixed Lynzie's window so it shuts tightly. I went home after school and put stuff in the car. Anabel has been sick this week. She missed school Tues ... left Awana awards night early and was out sick on Thursday and Friday. I stopped to see her before heading to Arthur. We left Arthur about 5:15. We took 20 to Waterloo and then south on 380 and 218. While we traveled the Prius turned over 200,000 miles. Destination Burlington. ETA 10:30. Saturday morning we walked to breakfast down Snake Alley. Spacious apartment:

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