Sunday, May 24, 2015

Recital fun Click this site for drone movie of Prairie Whole

GVI walked 4 miles before church. Karen and Luke are headed to IG for breakfast with Mark, Carol, and Pete. The Jensen grands came over for sugar donuts before Sunday school. I was in the nursery with a cute little Peyton. She is precious. So fun to watch her let me know what she wanted. We played a little of Where is your nose, teeth, chin, eyes, hair, ears? After church we packed cheese and bread and made sandwiches with Luke and Karen as we drove to Denison for the gymnastics recital. The doors opened at 1. We were there about 12:30 and got seats in the fourth row. Fun time visiting and watching people. I really enjoyed the whole show. We took E&B home with us. Luke got his drone out and flew it around the farm. It has a powerful camera and we all loved to watch it. The boys got to drive it over the garden. After the boys went to bed Denny used his new meat probe and we fixed steaks, grilled onions, potatoes, and ramen noodle salad. It was a great meal. We ate outside with candle light that kept on going out. Fun to play with the wax. We went to bed and Luke stayed up to edit the drone youtube of the gardens in May. Click this site for drone movie of Prairie Whole Fun day!!

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