Thursday, May 7, 2015

Heading to Madison

Slept 10 - 4:30 Pretty good for me. Need to check on attendance for students. It is always a struggle. Met with mom about making up missed days. Luckily she could meet at noon. I headed out from school at 3:45 and was in Williams about 6. Laughed about me ordering a sub sandwich from Jean and she getting me a Cinnabon. Don't really know how that happened. We made it to Madison about 10. Nice to ride and visit. Jean is not driving too much because of her hurt achilles tendon and the boot she is suppose to wear. I dialed Denny while we were visiting around Nancy's table, then realized he would be a sleep and so I thought I hung up. He got up to answer the phone in the other room, dropped it and went back to sleep. Later that night he heard voices. Was Missy here laughing? After a couple times he finally got up and found th4 of us talking and laughing around Nancy's table. We were having fun. He hung up and went back to bed. We laughed until almost 2. Good times with sisters. In the morning we went to the arboretum.

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