Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Check out of school

Up and ready to go. It was a beautiful morning and I went outside and walked around. Breakfast at school for staff. I am completing my 5th year. I gave Travis and Megan a wedding card. I checked out with Mr. Miller. We talked about classes we are teaching next semester. Looks like 3 English classes and In. Living. Home about 11:30. Pulled weeds and moved plants. Still many more to go. Jensens had Breanna, Jesse, and Christian out helping in the garden. I ate my lunch over there. I ran to tiller in the weed patch and picked asparagus. When Denny came home, he mowed the lawn quickly, then we went to Kiron for training in hospitality in church. My chest is uncomfortable and my pinkie and ring fingers are tingly. Interesting. They are taking the B&G barn down. It is Diane and Jay's anniversary today. We saw Steph and she said it was 26 years ago that we were in Kiron Baptist for the wedding. Pictures of Yousling wedding, unit being dismantled, and Jensen cousins.

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