Sunday, May 3, 2015

Sunday. Time to head home

I was awake and so I went out into the living room and worked on In. Liv. test. Luke fixed awesome breakfast. We went to 10 am church at Harmony. They are setting up a new church in Burlington. Cool to hear about it as they make plans. Right now they meet in a Junior High. Someone gave them 5 1/2 acres to build on. We came home and Luke grilled Mexican tacos out on the porch. So nice just to be there. We left for home about 1:15, and got to Arthur about 6:15. One stop east of Early. They have built a big spacious new truck stop there. At home Denny cleaned the house and I went out and planted 4 rows of flowers in the support livestock panels. 2 of snapdragons, 2 of lisianthus. I am not really sure how far away to put the plants when they are going to have some support as they grow. I preened and watered everything well.

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