Monday, May 18, 2015

Fixing Anabels gymnastics costume

Took at bath last night, Now in bed reading devotions looking at the computer. At school first hour SH. working on speech ... times I feel inadequate. Lord, I know you provide all I need. PE was cleaning the wrestling room. Independent living wiped out all of the cupboards. After school I went to Missy's and helped fix Anabel's gymnastic costume. It is going to be cute. Missy sent maid rite meat home with us. She is planning a field trip for second graders to the farm tomorrow. They will be looking at seeds, putting 10 seeds in a germination tray. Digging for worms. looking at seeds, plants and then tasting actual veggies of the seeds and trying to figure out which goes with which plant. At 5:30 we watched the news, I napped. After a quick supper Denny got the chainsaw running and we trimmed trees and started a fire. It is so good to get them trimmed. Tiller is under repair. Omar borrowed it, hopefully it will get fixed fairly soon. I have been not taking sleeping aids the last couple nights and sleeping pretty well. (about 6 hours) Lord, grant me wisdom. The tree behind Jensen's house fell down on May 22. What a mess it made. It took out 2 more trees. Luckily it did not fall toward the house. The trust decided to remove the debris and also take out 23 more hollow trees that could fall on the house.

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