Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Meet superintendent candidates

Devotions in bed. Wonder how cold it is?? I covered my plants last night. Brrrr ... 19th of May and still frost warnings. It did not reach 32 :) Regular day at school. Helped with SPA speeches. Watched multimedia editing, Ind Liv mopped the floor, After school I shopped downtown for wedding cards and a shower gift. Then back to the school to meet the superintendent candidates, I left there about 6. At home Denny fixed scrambled eggs. I went outside to work in flower beds. Jensens were filling up plot south of coop. I started a fire, but it didn't burn well. Missy helped me pull grass out of part of the flower bed. They had 25 second graders for a farm field trip with chickens, baby pigs, garden seeds, taste veggies test, and worms. Denny helped the 3 take baths. Pictures of second grade field trip .

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