Friday, May 8, 2015

Friday with family

Gail and I went for a walk around the neighbor hood. It is so fun trying to decide what to do. We went to the aurborium. Beautiful with all the flowering trees. Then to a thrift store. Marilyn was at Nancy's when we got there. Our next beig trip after lunch was to Beaver Dam ... Gigantic sale on Nancy's Notions. We spent a lot of time. Perfect place for those quilters. I bought some fabric paint, Hopefully I can freshen up the flowered loveseat. We didn't have time to go back to Nancy's before meeting famiy at the Mexican restaurant. Mc Natts 2, Coburn2, Hanna5, Hendersons4, NFJM 17 of us. Fun food and visiting. Back at Nancy's I stayed up too late reading The longest ride

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