Saturday, May 2, 2015

Fun day in Burlington Awesome day!!!

I woke up way too early. I laid in bed for a while, then I went out to the car to get backpack with my school stuff. I worked on a test and people awoke gradually. I walked to the rummage sale and got 12 Christmas ornaments and a $2 basket. We went out to eat breakfast and McConnell Cafe, Then we drove to Cedar Rapids to see a Mini Maker Faire. Quote of the Day was Luke saying something to the effect, "I like all the things that these people like to do and think about, the only difference is that they are nerds." It was fun to see all the different ideas from homemade guitars to fused glass, lace making to making movable prosthetics. We got home and went for a walk down by the MIssissippi River. Denny walnted to get a picture of a barge for the boys. We sat outside at a restaurant until 1 then 2 barges came by. Fun to see Lukes stop action of Denny walking acorss the road to get a video of the moving ship. At night we went to a great place, Martino's for supper. It is within walking distance. Just across the park across the street from their apartment. YUM!!

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