Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Weeded asparagus

Getting close to the end of school. Muiltimedia has a plan. Shark informative. That's a good thing. After school at home Denny changed oil in the rototiller. Then he tilled around the asparagus and flower beds. I planted flowers and then tried to pull weeds from the asparagus beds so we could see the asparagus. Phillip said he planted 1200 plants today. Omar was helping from 5-7. I am in a quandary. The flower beds are so full of grass and weeds that I don't know where to plant flowers. Should I till them up and start all over. What would prevent the weeds and grass from coming back? UFFTA!! What to do? and I just got another box of wonderful plants/ bulbs from Brecks in the mail. Where do I start?? The flowerbed south of the house? The triangular bed?? the full of weeds long lily bed? Between the two asparagus rows?? Lord, help me. Pictures from Madison:

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