Monday, November 30, 2015

Back at school I LIED!!

3 gels last night.  Slept pretty well.  Plus Phil. 4:4-8.  Lord, help me apply your truth. Back at school I LIED!! They canceled school because of snow. Forecasted snow. Snow that did come. Kids came over when Missy went to the doctor. She has sinus infection. We played family and went to the restaurant that was run by them. I baked Cinnamon rolls. The lard kind and they did not turn out the best. Also a double batch of banana muffins. Then I checked the email and there was a special to make a blog book. I worked on it most of the afternoon. Missy came over and helped me finish it up and order it. She brought over chili and I gave her cinnamon rolls. Jensens made 2 cute snowmen out in front of the house. Carrot noses and doggie treat eyes. Nice day, Not what I thought. I thought we would be in school. Thank you Jesus for each day of my life that you have planned.

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