Sunday, November 1, 2015

The family leaves

I tried Brenda's honey before bed. Slept pretty well. Great that it was fall back Saturday. I finished devotions in bed. Denny Made breakfast, Gail helped by making the sausage patties and toasting the bread. Everything tasted great. We served frozen fruit slush too. Jensens stopped over before heading to church. I am so thankful Missy said she would take my SS class so I could be here as everyone packed up to leave. Great to have my sisters and family here. 11 slept here over night. It worked so great to have 2 wooden tables set up in the sunroom. Pretty east to feed 13 people. Could just use a little more space to walk or pass between the 2 tables. Lisa N. spoke during SS. After church we came home and napped. Hurrah!!
We walked around the outside of Brad's unit.  Jensens came over to get a coffee table for the Grainery.  We went to pray time at church.  Great Day!!


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