Sunday, November 22, 2015

Thank you Jesus for this day

I got up and read devotions and the book that a student had chosen for AR reading. We met Karen and Luke at the Kiwanas pancake breakfast. Pete was fixing pancakes. I was in the nursery at church. So thankful that Jenna helped. Denny sat with Nak. kids. They had car issues and didn't join us for pancakes. After church we had soup. I read the 2 missed chapters of George Mueller to the kids, then Denny took them home. We watched a movie and then napped. This is the first day my left knee has hurt. I can't remember doing anything to injure it. Lord, please heal it. I don't want this to be the start of knee surgery. Uffta!! So tragic. So saddened by Duane's death. Lord, be with the family. Ingathering at 6. Great meal. Sat with Jennifer and her mother Vickie. Great sharing afterward. 26K.

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