Saturday, June 18, 2016

Fun in Madison

Got up about 6:30, Nancy had gotten groceries yesterday. The check out guy asked if she clipped coupons, He noticed that she had saved $53 dollars, so we have lots of good food for this weekend. Decided to deliver CSA veggies that I had brought to my nieces. Nancy emailed and set up Mexican meal for Sunday night. I called Maynard and we picked him up. He lives with a friends brother near the capital. He and I walked the square and looked at all the farmer's market vendors. Then Nancy picked us up and we took sandwiched to Justine and Kevin's home. Great meal there and lots of fun laughing. Maynard had a friend coming and so we took him back home before going to Todd and Julia's place. Hope Iris is a sweetie. Nice time visiting there and then home for naps.

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