Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Mystery trip

Up and devotions out on the deck, then spray painted some chairs, but ran out of paint. Put grout on 12 sky blue pink stones, I was late getting ready to be leaving by 6:30. I thought it was only 6, Uffta!! It was just fine when we got to the bus. 47 ladies went on the chartered bus. Nancy had a book quiz on the bus. We went to Shibogan, Wisc. First stop was an art museum by Koehler family. Then lunch and tour Koehler design center. Our last stop was at the Bookworm Center. Very fun and pretty park that highlighted Children's books. Only the few of the 47 gals on the bus had been there before, it was a hit. Back at Madison I worked on stained glass skybluepinks and Nancy chilled. It had been a big day for her. A lot of time on her feet. I also worked on cleaning the garage and packed the car to head home tomorrow am early. Great time with Nancy.

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