Thursday, June 9, 2016

Quick trip to SC

Up early.  Out to spray chairs blue and pick some greenery and start sprinklers and untangle Cagney and water flowers that I bought yesterday and put together flowers for the king
Then in to bake coffee cake, and put strawberries in the freezer
Off to IG.  They start serving breakfast next week
Kathy L did the paper work. I bought lavender paint for the wisteria bench
Dose got my money for 2 TV trays and three towels 
Then I headed to SC. I am in the SC. Office waiting
They asked if I had any weapons pocket knives 
Luckily I didn't have Brooks and his Napal gift along with me
Missy brought a salad for me as we looked at greens for Brooks to sell at CSA barn.  Bible study with G J L S S T
Next Brooks and I went to the farmers market fun night I sold 16 things. Plus about $30 for the King. Brooks sold 8.   It was fun to be with him we counted money and had lemon aid on the deck then mowed until I could not see anymore. Forgot to walk, do went out with my phone flashlight and walked a mile and a half.
Missouri Johnson had a great time in NYC

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