Sunday, June 26, 2016

Home for everyone ... VBS at night

After church Denny took Mo Johnson in windmill tour.  I handed out flowers,  got game cones,etc. and picked up pizza. We ate then they headed home. We went down to take a nap, before we fell asleep Schrums called,they were at Darlys and so they came and visited an hour before heading home. It was a good time to put dishes in the dishwasher. Nice to see them. Missy took Anabel to Hidden Acres. About 5 I headed to VBS and took Brooks and Evan. Nice bunch of kids there. I had them play races. And blinded folded trust walk
Home about 9. Denny had cleaned up the yard chairs etc. we chilled on the deck, just talking about how great the weekend was.  Pictures from competitive wiffle ball game.   Karen sitting in my happy wisteria bench and burning the morgage with Torte by Missy. 

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