Friday, April 23, 2021

Tractor and flower beds

 Maybe Denny's last day of field work.  He left around 7 this morning ... and it is almost 10.  The find my phone says he is on his way home.  Hurrah!!! He just drove up with his pickup.  NOPE... he's not done yet.  I invited Julie over for a cup of coffee this am, around 9:30.  We had a great visit.  Then I was out starting to pull dead hostas out of the front flower bed and Joy L. stopped for a visit about 11.  In the afternoon I got the flower beds cleaned out of dead plants and raked and put down carpet strips and plant supports in the big flower bed.   I listened to the book Stephanie Plum novel.  The tulips around our deck look so pretty.    Anabel sent out a pretty picture of Kathmandu.  

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