Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Off to Zimmerman

 I got up at 5 to make chocolate chip cookies, have devo, plant lilies, water plants, shower, pack and head to OGT by 7:30.  I stopped at Laura's to get  a couple bags of donations for OGT.  I left about 8:45 and took highway 20 and I35 to Clear Lake exit where I met Karen and the kids.  It was a fun quick "fix"of Grands.  It took me about 3 more hours to get to Zimmerman.   When I got there it just in time to head to the track. Haley ran the open 200 and the 4x400 and the open 800.  TJ ran the 800 and threw the disc and shot.  It was a chilly evening, but so fun to watch.  Some how the automatic timer was broken, so people and to run the stopwatches and record time.  That made for a longer night.  The Grands dod a great job.  Home for pizza, visiting and bed. 

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