Thursday, April 15, 2021

Cindi tax lady

 Slept in until 7.   Devo, then tax appointment at 10.   It turned out to be about what we expected.  BUT Denny did say I did well looking up health care expenses on the UBI account.  Airbnb is ready; Denny checked ti over so we opened it for guests when we got home from IG.  He left to go farm and I left at 12:30 to pick up Laura and Eloise and go to Susan's for Study.  Melissa S. joined us.  After study I stopped at Doses and got utensils for the basement.  Nice day.

This is the way I hope my exit will be....

"Don't call the doctor, I want to fall asleep peacefully. With your hand in mine."

He told her about the past, how they met - about the first kiss.

They didn't cry, they smiled.

They didn't regret, they were grateful.

Then she said again softly: "I love you, forever". He returned her words, gave her a gentle kiss on the forehead.

She closed her eyes and fell asleep peacefully with his hand in hers.

Love is what counts, because a person comes into this world with nothing but love and leaves it again with nothing but love.

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