Sunday, April 4, 2021

He is Risen. He is risen, indeed!!!

Thank you, God that You had the plan to save us from our sins and have Jesus pay the price for our sins.  AND HE ROSE FROM THE DEAD!!!   What a Savior!!

We went to church with Joyce and Brad.  Wonderful service.  At home Joyce and Joan helped me set the table for 11.  Fun to use my pastel material on the back of the chairs and the roses from Mom's bush.  Denny checked the smoking pork butt.  I went to the pool from 1-2:30 and sat in the sun and read.   At 3 Brad, Joyce, Bill, Kathy, Mert and Joan and Jerry came.  I went and got Vickie and Ron to join us.   Denny's meat did not turn out as well as he had hoped, but we had SO MUCH TO EAT!!!  We really enjoyed having friends over for a meal and spending time together!!!


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