Tuesday, April 20, 2021


Up for coffee & devo (and if truth be told ... time killing facebook).   At 8 I headed to IG, a semi was being filled at OGT.  There was a good bunch of guys and gals working, so I could just do what I normally di.    I had a dentist appointment at 11:20.  Both Erin and Laura said my teeth looked very good.  At home Denny was working on Pontiac GT document ... of course, with a sound video.  I redid a picture for PW airbnb.  Nice afternoon just sitting in my rocker and NOT going outside in the cold.  Quite spoiled after being in Texas.  

Even then in college I crack myself up.   This was a letter to my dad on Father's Day telling him about a driving contest at a golfing range where I got first in the women's division.    Take note of last postscript.  

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