Saturday, April 3, 2021

Happy Birthday Maynard

 Denny was up early and eating breakfast so he could go to the shooting range and site his rifle.  I decided to not go to yoga, so I could easily join in the family phone call at 9 am.  So good to see/hear Luke and Missy's families.  I played pickle ball for about an hour after that.  We went to 77 Flea market with Joyce and Brad.  I bought some jicama, a weighted book and tray, a hat to take back to Iowa, and some pretty fabric.  At home I fixed starry chicken, rice and vegetables.  I texted Maynard a birthday greeting.  My back/??? has been hurting, so I called my NP and described by pain.  She said I should take 600-800 mg about every 8 hours for 10 days to see if that helps. I am not exactly sure when it started, but I first noticed it after I was uncomfortable sitting at John H. sofa on Thursday.  Today it bothered me quite a bit as I walked around 77.  I got to thinking it might be my kidney.  Hopefully it will get to feeling better, though I didn't notice anything as I was playing pickle ball this morning.  

Watched the you tube movie “The perfect Race”   Great movie!!

My good looking grandson:

Ideas for the Bunk house:

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