Sunday, April 25, 2021

Fun day Sun Day

Up at 6:30.  The boys and Mandy got up, too.  Denny came and made coffee.  Jason still is not feeling the best after having his wisdom teeth out.   We took the boys to SS.  Such fun!!  After church I dropped off Denny to buy 5 omelets at the community center for fire men and EMT's.   The boys and I went to the city park and then went back to pickup lunch and Denny.  When we got done eating it was cold, but Jack wanted to go outside and so he did.  It was warm watching him from the sunroom.  While the boys were napping Denny moved the bobcat and 4 wheeler then Jason and Mandy got out their class C.   Jason drove it home and Mandy is taking the Prius after the boys get up from their nap.  The boys are staying here overnight and I will take then tomorrow to Storm Lake after Mandy gets off work.  


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